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About us

We have over 20 years of professional experience in the fields of environmental technology and corporate management and have made it our mission to support German companies in the international market launch and international placement of their products.

Our team consists of freelance experts from the areas of finance, financing, architecture and construction planning. We reliably accompany you from the first consultation to project planning and implementation. We cooperate with partner companies from Germany and with international companies.

Olaf Riedel

Olaf Riedel

I own a degree in electrical engineering and civil engineering with a master’s in environmental technology and a postgraduate degree in project management.

In addition to my daily work, I am also a lecturer and give lectures and seminars on water and wastewater technology. I am also a proud member of the German Water Partnership e.V. in Berlin and a founding member of the Federal Association for Emissions Trading.

I am pleased to assist you with any questions!

Melanie Riedel-Grassinger

Melanie Riedel-Grassinger

I am a certified foreign language correspondent and an expert in finance, organizational development with project-related support, lean management, administrations and IT.

I am pleased to assist you with my specialist knowledge and advise you!